Congratulations to Sara Midda who won the Kosher Cup for June. I wonder how well you would have done. Why not join us when we have the next quiz? - here are some of the questions:-
David's questions:-
1) Who wrote the book Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ?
2) What is the name of the 1976 film about the Watergate Scandal starring Robert Redford & Dustin Hoffman ?
3) In which U.S. state is the city of Nashville ?
4) Name the coffee shop in the U.S. sitcom friends ?
5) What is the common name for the larva of a housefly?
Gill’s questions
1. Who was the first woman to be awarded to Nobel prizes?
2. In the Gaelic madra is what type of animal?
3. Vermeer girl with the pearl earring is a famous example of what painting genre?
4. In which city in Italy can you see Michelangelos David?
5. Who wrote the 2014 his children’s poetry collection talking turkies?
Sara's questions
1 At about 1500. Square miles, A23a is the worlds largest what?
2 Which US president vowed “ I am not going to eat any more brocoli”?
3 What is Cromarty ?
4 You use a knife to slice my head, You weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?
5 when did doctor Kellogg invent cornflakes?
6 What year last century did Delia Smith first appear onTV?
Nick's questions
1 Who was the first Jewish MP for Hove?
2 Who was the last Conservative Prime Minister to lose an election?
3 Where is the largest constituency for number of voters
4 Which constituencies are represented by Richi Sunak and Sir Kier Starmer

David's Answers
1 Ian Flemming 2 All the Presidents' Men 3 Tennessee 4 Central Perk 5 A Maggot
Gill's Answers
1 Marie Curie 2 A dog 3 Tronie 4 Florence 5 Benjamin Zephanaia
Sara's Answers
1 An Iceberg 2 George Bush Senior 3 The brittle sludge which clings to the top of a Ketchup bottle
4 An onion 5 1898 6 1973
Nick's answers
1 Ivor Caplin 2 John Major 3 The Isle of Wight - 103,000
4 Richi Sunak represents Richmond in Yorkshire and Sir Kier Starmer - Holborn & St Pancras