Super simple. Air fried, Lemon. Garlic. & Honey. Chicken thighs.
I love this recipe. It's super simple, plus by using an air fryer It reduces your electricity costs. If you haven't invested in an air fryer. You can do this. In an oven. But the results are not as good It takes longer, also it cost you more money! People have been asking for air fryer recipes. You can use small drumsticks or even chicken wings. However, this recipe works.far better with oyster thighs.
Ingredients. Serve 2-3 depending on size. & appetite.
One pack of 4 oyster cut thighs These are the thighs, which are boneless, (Frohwine do a pack of 4, that you can buy at many kosher outlets, they are nearly always the same size)
Half a teaspoon Of good quality Sea salt
Half a teaspoon Rough ground black pepper.
The juice of half a large lemon
approximately. Two TSP. Of crystallised garlic or garlic powder But you get a better finish using garlic powder for this.
One tablespoon of local Runny Honey
2 tablespoons Of boiling water.
Rinse. The chicken thighs. Under cold water. And pack them down with kitchen Paper, Place them. On a silicone. Air fryer liner.
Season, then. Evenly with the salt and pepper. Add garlic powder.
In a jug Or a cup. Place the honey. And pour the boiling water over it, Stir it rapidly. When the body has dissolved into the water, add the juice of the lemon.
Pour The liquid over the chicken thighs.
Cook them in the air fryer on 200 For 30 minutes.
Check the meat. Is the right temperature. (Chicken thighs need to have an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees to make sure that all the bacteria have been destroyed, and it is safe to consume the meat.) If it hasn't. Reach that temperature. Then. Cook it for a further 5 minutes.
This is delicious. Hot. With either rice or potatoes or steamed vegetables as A side. Or cold with salad. It's great to take on Picnics. Or packed lunches.
When? The chicken is cooked. That. The Honey and lemon reduce into a really lovely sticky sauce. Which you can pour over. If you are eating this hot.
If you're using your oven. You need to preheat your oven. To 210 c Place the chicken. In an oven proof dish. & follow the rest of the recipe cook them in the oven. uncovered. For 40-45 minutes.